Saturday, May 10, 2008

Smoking Ban Policy

So we decided to try something a little different at work pertaining to the Smoking Ban problem. Yes, I did say problem. Maybe not so much for you but for the doorstaff it is.

Here's what the problem was.

The bar is at capacity and there's a line of people waiting to get in. Smokers would come out to smoke and we would hold their place inside, not letting anyone in.

Now here's where the problem was.

Sometimes the smokers would stay outside for 5 minutes, 10 minutes or even half an hour at times. This meant their place was being held in the bar but there was no one there and we couldn't let anyone from the line in until that smoker, or another patron, leaves.

Then, some of the smokers would walk away after they smoke. This leaves an empty spot in the bar and their place would be held even though they were gone. Simply put, we don't know your leaving when you walk away and we can't see you.

Here's the solution that we came up with.

The bar is at capacity and there's a line of people waiting to get in. Smokers that come out to smoke must now receive a wristband to re-enter.

Once the smoker receives their wristband they can go smoke. When the smoker walks out, a person from the line gets to go in. When the smoker is ready to re-enter they wait in the smoker's line on the left. When the next person walks out, the smoker gets to go back in.

There are a few reasons besides capacity that we wanted to do this.

There were times when there would be 20 - 25 people standing outside smoking. This left 20 - 25 empty places in the bar. This tends to make the bar look empty and gives people in line more ammunition for arguments with the doorstaff as to why they can't go in. Looking from the bar's point of view, it also meant there's 20 - 25 people not buying anything.

Hopefully this will solve a lot of different problems. It should reduce arguments at the door and it should help the staff inside. The only side effect problem from it that I can see right now is people trying to smoke inside because they don't want to wait to get back in.

Anyone caught smoking inside is to be removed. Even those smoking in the bathrooms.

Next problem to address.

People that camp out at tables and booths but only drink water and don't order anything. There are people waiting to get in that will order drinks and TIP. Don't waste our space.

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