Saturday, May 03, 2008

No more Firefox?

I was Stumbling through the web today and came across this site.

I thought it was funny. I use FireFox for my web browsing. I find it's much easier to customize and use than Internet Explorer. Seeing as how you have to constantly update Explorer in order to use it safely.

Anywho.. The funny part about the Lap Steel Guitar site is that they've decided to reject anyone that uses any browser other than Internet Explorer. Pretty ballzy move if you ask me. They're definitely not an eBay or Amazon site that draws in millions of customers a day. I'm sure they get a fair share of traffic but do they get enough traffic that they can demand people use a certain browser? I guess their end of month hit totals will tell them in the end.

They even put up a nice message on their opening page for all to see.

(grammatical errors included. free of charge.)

I personally don't feel like installing IE and waiting for the updates in order to actually load this site. One never knows, it might be a guitar site or it might be a site that has been put up just to compromise one of the many back doors into IE and loading a virus.

I could install an add-on to FireFox that allows me to switch the user agent of my browser. This way the site is fooled into thinking I'm using IE. But it's not a necessary thing so I'm not.

I wonder how long until they notice their online sales and correspondence goes down. If they had a contact listed on the opening page I would be interested in contacting them to get that information. They don't so I guess the only thing I can do is to check the site occasionally and see if it reverts.

I guess we'll find out in time.

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