Friday, March 26, 2010

Sans Auto.

Well, as it turns out my car got towed. So I am now without transportation. I made the trip out to Aurora last Monday with a little help from my friend Krys. She drove me out there so I could sign the title over to the tow yard. The tow an storage fees were over $350 so I just signed it over. I bought the car 6 or 8 years ago for $250 so I got my moneys worth out of her.

Not having a car really isn't a big deal when it comes to being in Chicago. It just feels like a large inconvenience. I'm not a fan of leaving an hour before I need to be somewhere when it only takes 15minutes by car. Also, not having a car makes the trips from the city to the U of Woo extremely long. What was an hour and a half drive becomes an almost 4 hour trip. So I'm partially looking for a vehicle as April approaches.

Why is April so important? Well, I've decided that I no longer want to work the door and I've put April as my deadline.

I want to make it clear that this isn't anything personal with the place that I work at. I like working there and I like the people I work with. It's just that I've been working a 4am door for 6 years now. It tends to take a toll on your personal life when you actually take the job seriously. It limits the time you have to do things such as go to shows, go to dinners, and most any other social events that take place after 8pm. Taking days off work are rare as paying rent and bills are a priority. Even still, we don't usually have the man power to cover shifts. Then again, I'm pretty anti-social these days and one could say these are just excuses to not have to go to a crowded place that is loud and most of the people have been drinking a lot. At a point you begin to call this, going to work without getting paid.

So in April I'll see what I have laid out in front of me and go from there. Will I just be getting a new job and staying in the city? Will I be moving back to the small town? Will I be heading to Vegas finally? I guess we'll find out once it happens. What ever happens it will be quiet and I won't be doing another going away party. It seems those parties jinx me every time they happen.

I'm starting to find out more about jobs that are available and what's needed to get them in Vegas. Who knows, maybe you'll see me in the background on one of those rehab shows. Maybe it'll be the big break I've always wanted.

Wait.. I never really wanted that.


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