I've always said that nothing really effects me in the overall scheme of things. To be more precise, I'd say they don't effect me directly. Which has been my way of thinking for a long time. If something gets bad then you become better. You don't sit and complain and let things continue.
I've always been proactive for the individual. Each person is in charge of themselves. If you choose to buy a home, then you choose to pay the taxes on that home. If you choose to drive a car, then you choose to pay for gas. If you choose to have children, then you choose to raise them to be respectful and diligent. By choosing these things you earn the right to complain about these things. By choosing not to do these things, you can still complain but your complaints are useless.
At some point or another we're all effected by government. No matter what, every single person in the nation has had to use or be brought upon the government. Either in the big view (federal) or the smaller view (local). This includes all services that are ran by these governments.
The recent Bailout by the government is ridiculous. I know that Special Interest parties have constantly been supporters of whoever takes their money. They give them money and sooner or later they get some kind of tax break or favor. Ever wonder why celebrities endorse certain parties? Maybe it has to do with the fact that people who make multi-million dollar salaries get taxed as much as you and I do. Maybe I'm completely wrong. Maybe it's because the tax brackets haven't been thought of as a new way to make more capital for the nation. Or perhaps, every person is treated equally even though some of us can't pay the bills or are living on the street and others can afford their 5th vacation home.
Since when does the government propose to pay off these companies debts? Does the government, as a whole, receive money from these companies to help with the many costly national proposals? If it did, wouldn't that make it a government institution? I can see why the government would want to bail out a government institution. I can not see why it would want to bail out a private business. Perhaps it has to do with stock options that are owned by many politicians. Why would they want to lose their money when they can save it. All ideas that I know nothing about.
That's right. I don't know any true facts to what I just said. It's all things that are in my head and I'm just 'vocalizing' here. I don't need to spend countless hours looking up facts because this is all my opinion that I've obtained from reading articles. Then again, where would I get the facts needed to know what politician owns how ever many stock options in certain companies and whether these companies are the ones being bailed out.
I do know that politics have a lot to do with washing hands. You do this for me and I'll donate this much money to your campaign. Every donation is given in hope by the common person. You donate in hopes that this person will win the election and they'll do the things they've promised. You believe in their ideals. How many corporations have you ever heard of that have any type of hopes or ideals that didn't have anything to do with their bottom line? Corporations don't wonder what will happen to their employees when they shut down factories and move them overseas. They just look at the bottom line. It's cheaper to do these things overseas and that will make them more profit.
Is the government trying to bail out these corporations to save the American people or are they trying to save themselves from the mistakes they've made over time. Was NAFTA a good idea? It sounded like it at the time to some. But where is the return investment? We give away jobs and we get nothing back other than more people out of work and having to settle for jobs that pay less. Or even worse, jobs that have turned over to temporary job services.
Ah yes, temp jobs. Aren't they great? You go to work and the company you work for charges $15 an hour for you. After their cut you might get $10 an hour. No benefits because your a temp. You don't amount to anything until they decide to hire you on after how ever many months of a probation period. Even then they'll probably find a reason to let you go so they don't have to give you benefits.
So basically, next Tuesday is the cut off date for registering to vote for this November. I suggest you do. I won't sit here and endorse a certain politician but I'd definitely suggest not voting for a captured soldier who's Vice President select thinks she can see Russia from her house. It's like the blind leading the blind. One has memory lapses and can't remember saying the exact opposite things a week before. The other thinks that she can run a country because she's a hockey mom. We don't need more idiots in office. George W was enough to make all Americans look a lot more stupid to the rest of the world. New-cue-lear.
If you want more information on voting in Chicago and Illinois check out these sites.
Chicago Board of Elections.
Illinois State Board of Elections.
If you don't know if your registered then check this site out.
Vote for Change.
Yes, it's paid for by Obama. Does that matter if your going there to see if you can vote? If you said yes, then please don't register to vote. It would be useless.
Again. Tuesday, October 7th is the last day you can register to vote for the elections in November.
If you don't vote then don't complain.
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